From my kitchen to yours~"It's not in the ingredients, it's in the execution."

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Jello Icing

I came across this recipe a few years back when I was wondering how I might make a flavoured icing for my daughter's birthday cake. I've never been an avid baker because I prefer salty and savoury. Unless it's chocolate, I find icing to be too sweet and without much flavour. So I got to thinking and I wondered if I could use jello to make icing. It would not only offer a long list of flavours but it could colour the icing at the same time. Seeing as my baking library was slim pickin's I decided, like everyone else looking for answers these days, to Google it. After some searching I found a recipe that was exactly what I had imagined. The result is an icing much like a butter cream, but packing a flavour punch. I also think it would make a fantastic topping for cup cakes. Instant pudding mix can also be used, in place of jello, like I once did for a bachelorette party cake. Now that was a memorable cake! Anyhoo, use your imagination and enjoy this recipe.


1/2 lb butter, softened
2 cups icing sugar
1 pkg jello of desired flavour
1/2 cup boiling water


Cream butter and sugar together. Dissolve jello in boiling water and let cool (but not to set). Stir in jello liquid a spoonful at a time until desired colour and/or flavour is achieved. Makes enough to cover a 2 layer cake made in standard 9" round cake pan.


Ookami Snow said...

What is icing sugar? Is is powdered sugar?

Kat said...

Yes. It's also called confectioner's sugar.